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The Course Suite

Where your passions collide with business and legacies are made


the game changer!


uncover your path to flow

Do you feel stuck or lost? Are you needing clarity on what your role needs to be in your current business? Or are you wanting to understand what type of business or strategies would be most successful for you? During this one-on-one intensive we delve deep into looking at your Soul's Blueprint, and profile you as a business owner to determine your strengths and challenges, in order to give you clear direction on what path to follow in your career and business. I then work with you to build a strategy for success.


get ready, get set...


launch a business in 30 days!

Yes you can do it! I know... because I have done it! Here you will find everything you need to know to launch a business within 30 days. Including checklists, resources and recommendations to expedite your launch phase. You will move so fast into launch, that those sneaky thoughts of doubt won't even be able to catch you! Included are all the legal, financial and admin templates you need. Whilst also having access to a group of other action takers who will keep you accountable and on track to reach your launch goals.

This course will ensure you are setting up a business with all your ducks in a row, so you have a solid foundation to grow your business. And if you can't do it in 30 days... that's perfect too!


option now open


for those ready to play bigger


take your brand to legacy status

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Are you ready to breakthrough a glass ceiling? Are you ready to raise the profile of your business and be seen as the industry leader in your market?

Are you ready to have the tools and confidence to secure clients you never thought possible? Are you ready to partner with your dream brands and other iconic leaders in your industry?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then join me on this 8 week intensive course with other big players in business.



26 May


let's create a legacy
business, aligned with your
Soul's blueprint

There is nothing more rewarding than seeing  people create a business that is aligned with what they are destined to do on the planet . To be living and working from a state of authentic flow, so that work doesn't feel like work, is one of the most freeing, joyful and fulfilling ways to live. 

Let me show you how this is possible...

It took me 12 years in business to fully understand how the metaphysical world can be so powerful in the creation and building of successful businesses.

Let me take you on an intuitive journey to create a business that exudes energy that customers and other businesses are magnetised to, and you are able to create a brand which will be your legacy.

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